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St. Lucia

From: Kashima

Is it the same type of place as one of the 7 Greatest Places?
Yes! It's an Island.

About this Greatest Place:
St.Lucia is a caribbean island just northwest of the island Barbados.It is hot but pleasant for most of the year and is home to a variety of ethnic groups. the capital castries is always a busy place to be, a favourite place of mine is the Vendors Arcade, it is where souveniers are sold; it is a colorful place with always some thing to do. Also there are many festivals and beautiful events, one of these is "carnival".there is loud vidrant music called calypso. We love it and annually we get to dance in the streets listening to our favourite music at carnival time. There is even a calypso festival every year so we could hear what the calypsonians (the calyso singers)have come up with this year. The beaches there are beautiful. A beach I would advise is the Gros Ilet beach, it is clean and very refreshing. Another would be the one at Sandals hotel. a fine place for shopping is at Juliens supermarket it is like a shopping mall with every thing except clothes. Speaking of clothes; since St.Lucia has such a hot climate you would most nessacerily want to wear light shirts and shorts unless you want to burn up!!!!

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